Tough Mudder North West 2016

tough mudder north west 2016

Tough Mudder North West 2016 – Team Ridgway Smash It in 4 Hours

What do you get when you mix:
12 miles
+ 28 obstacles
+ 500,000 Litres of Mud
+ 40 Tons of Ice
+ 6 Ridgway Rentals crazy people?

A successful team of Ridgway Tough Mudders!

A team from Ridgway Rentals Plant Hire took part in this years ‘Tough Mudders North West’ in the grounds of Cholmondeley Castle in Cheshire.

Our tenacious team of 6 successfully completed the mud and obstacle filled course in a little over 4 hours and still managed to smile for the camera!

But the burning question – will there be a ‘Team Ridgway’ for Tough Mudders 2017? . . .
